Clergy Against Racism RVA

Past Events and Event Resources

On this page you will find information and resources from past events held by Clergy Against Racism

“Presentation by Dr Ravi Perry on Critical Race Theory.”

In his presentation Dr. Perry addressed
— What Critical Race Theory is.

— What Critical Race Theory is not.
— How we all can and should be engaged in the dialog and discussions to ensure that the story of all people and groups is included in our family, church curricula and especially in our public schools.

“A Political History of the Richmond Region.”

Video presentation by Dr Julian Hayter, University of Richmond Jepson School of Leadership.  With special focus on race and racism.

Reconstruction, The Lost Cause False Narrative, and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

Presentation by Adele Johnson of the Black History Museum & Cultural Center of Virginia.

Adele focuses on Jackson Ward in her presentation describing events after Reconstruction.

“Pilgrimage Around Richmond.”

On this pilgrimage you can visit local landmarks and landscapes to let the land help us remember Richmond’s history of systemic racism. We lament the ways this unhealed history continues to impact life in our city.
